dentOne / clear aligner / 3D Orthodontic Software

Expert lecture

You can watch lectures by internationally renowned orthodontist on dentOne's usage and clinical applications

#1 Primeiros Passos​

Dr. Bacci

#2 Premolar derotation​

Dr. Bacci

#3 Open coil effect

Dr. Bacci

#4 2:1 layers digitalization up to 2mm of class II correction​

Dr. Bacci

#1 Spacing case tips​

Dr. Abdulah​

#2 Attachment​

Dr. Abdulah​

#1 View​

Dr. Cha​

#2 Relapse Case​

Dr. Cha​

#3 Relapse - IPR for detailing​

Dr. Cha​

#4 Erupting Tooth Relief before 3D Setup using Edit Tooth​

Dr. Cha​

#5 Modeler​

Dr. Cha​

#6 Segmentation​

Dr. Cha​

#7 Learn about the factors that affect your setup success rate

Dr. Cha​

#8 Learn how to move teeth using design software

Dr. Cha​

#9 Learn about setup with layers and their need

Dr. Cha​

#10 Learn how to divide the steps, and how to use the sheet for clear aligner

Dr. Cha​

#1 Conducting and IPR on teeth​


#2 Attaching and attachments​


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